+44 (0) 161 505 0606
+44 (0) 161 505 0606

About Self Assessment

If you’re a contractor or sole trader, partner at an LLP or a director of a company, you can really benefit from letting a professional and experienced accountancy practice handle your self-assessment and income tax returns
Why do you Need a Self Assessment Service?
Laws and regulations around the tax sector are continually changing. As a result, submitting your self-assessment has become more challenging and stressful. It can be a time-consuming and often confusing business for busy individuals and If you fail to complete your self-assessment tax return on time or incorrectly, there is a strong likelihood that you will incur penalties. We are specialists in the tax sector, by allowing us to handle your self-assessment you will save time, money and most importantly, avoid worry.
Services offered by our Firm
Some of the services offered by the firm to our clients are:
Calculating your Tax Liability
One of the key Self Assessment Tax Return services that we offer our clients is to calculate their tax liability. Tax liability calculation can become difficult for someone who does not have extensive knowledge of tax laws. It may push some citizens towards not filing their tax returns. That is why our firm is there to help you. Various tax laws are directed towards helping the taxpayers. These laws offer relaxations in tax that can help you save money. Our team has complete knowledge about all of them. We use that knowledge to calculate your tax liability, ensuring you do not pay more than you have to.
Completing and Filing Tax Return on your Behalf
Our promise is to always strive to offer an approachable service, so you know you can come to us for any and all of your tax issues and questions. Each month, we’ll comprehensively go through your incomings and outgoings – including expenses – to make sure you have peace of mind that your tax affairs are taken care of.
Advising When Various Payments are Due

Each payment has its deadlines, and sometimes it becomes a little difficult to remember all the deadlines accurately. Sometimes, the deadlines get mixed up, and you end up passing the deadline without actually knowing that it has passed.

To ensure that such is not the case with you, our representatives would inform you regarding all the deadlines. When a deadline is near closing, our team will help you prepare your documents to ensure that you file your taxes before the deadline.

Advising Appropriate Record Retention
Record Retention is quite important if you have to deal with HMRC. In case you do not have appropriate documents, dealing with HMRC becomes quite difficult. To ensure that you have the documents you need, our team members would inform you which document is worth keeping and which can be thrown without any trouble. With all the documents in your hand, you would be better positioned to present your case to the HMRC.
Introducing you to Relevant Tax Saving Ideas
The government presents various tax-saving ideas. But to take advantage of that, you must have extensive knowledge of tax laws. Our team has complete knowledge of all of them and will help you save your hard-earned money too with these legal tax-saving ideas.
Representing you against an Investigation by HMRC

If you are audited by HMRC, it may prove to be difficult for you. To ensure that you come out secure from the other side, you need the team who knows how to defend you at each stage. That is where our team comes in. We will help you satisfy each HMRC Agent’s inquiry so that you do not have to pay any penalty.

To take control of your self-assessment and income tax, please contact our team.

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